Who We Are

We are an ordinary group of people on an extraordinary mission to bring the magic and meaning of childhood into the lives of children who have been impacted by trauma, abuse and neglect.


The Wonderfund is a private nonprofit, 501(c)3 serving kids engaged with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.  We provide comfort and dignity to 53,000 children who have been impacted by abuse and neglect.

Our services include providing emergency aid services, enrichment opportunities, everyday essentials such as toiletries and school supplies, access to cultural experiences across the Commonwealth, holiday gifts and more! 

We believe that every child deserves to experience the wonder of being a kid.


Research shows that children who experience 6 or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as abuse and neglect, are more likely to suffer from addiction, mental health issues, chronic illness, and early death. By supporting children who have experienced childhood trauma, the Wonderfund can help them build resiliency, confidence, and agency over their own lives. We can help them overcome significant obstacles and increase their chance of becoming healthy, happy adults.


The Wonderfund strives to help every child involved with the Massachusetts DCF experience hope, confidence and joy.

Moments that Matter

Iron Mountain’s Holiday Gift of Giving tradition had a modest origin in 1999. Employees provided Christmas gifts for a small number of children in the care of the DCF Park Street Office.
Two people face away from the camera laughing, one shirt says "Brady 12" on the back.
View photos from our event with Kyle Van Noy!

Founding & Supporting Partners

Charitable partners are the key to this life-changing work. The experiences and essentials they provide help DCF children build resiliency and confidence—and most importantly, let them be kids.

Board of Directors

Headshot of Linda Spears

Linda Spears

Headshot of Michael Wirvin

Michael Wirvin, Clerk

Partner, Mergers and Acquisitions
Robinson & Cole LLP
Headshot of Sal Perisano

Sal Perisano

iparty stores
Headshot of Saf Caruso
Retired Executive Director
DCF Kids Fund
Wonderfund W on Orange Background

Anne Citrin

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Vice President
Venture Investments, Johnson & Johnson
Headshot of Carolyn Noble
Vice President, Corporate Strategy
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
David Pete-ARE

David Pete

General Property Manager
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Lisa Collins

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Erin Murphy Rafferty

Vice President, Business Development, Northeast
Suffolk Construction Company
Staverne's Photo
Acting Commissioner
Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF)
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Gail Karagianis